Friday, April 8, 2011

Conversations with Katie

Do you ever wonder what goes through the mind of a five year old? I know I wonder where on earth my beloved child comes up with some of the things we talk about. She always has something interesting to say if I only take the time to listen. Here are just a few of our many recent conversations.

Katie: Mom did you know my babies are still little angels? Me: What babies Katie? Katie: The babies I am going to have when I am a grown up. Me: Yes Katie they are still angels up in heaven. Katie: Mom do you think I will have girls and boys? Me: I
am sure you will Katie. Katie: Awesome! I am hungry can we go eat somewhere now.

Katie: Mom? Me: Yes Katie. Katie: What would we do if we had a car that had no top and we were driving and it began to rain or snow, would we get all wet and c0ld? (We were driving and it had just started raining hard.) Me: Well Katie if we had a car that had no top I would be absolutely sure I only drove it when it was not raining or snowing out. Katie: Oh, so we would leave it in the garage until summertime then? Me: Yes Katie it would stay in the garage until Summertime. Katie: Mom, will summer ever get here? I want to go swimming, and play outside at the park. I am tired of being cold. Me: Me too Katie! Summer will come in a few more months. Katie: A few more months! That is forever!!

Katie: Mom why did they put up that big statue of Jesus? Is it so people will know he is coming soon? Me: Maybe Katie, or maybe they just want people to know there is a church there. Katie: Mom, Jesus is with Granny right? Do you think he is done with her yet, is he going to send her back to us soon. Me: We will see her when Jesus comes again or when we die Katie. Katie: Mom where does Jesus sleep? Me: I am not sure Jesus does sleep Katie. Katie: He does not sleep? Not ever?

Oh, to have the innocence of a child and to see things though the eyes of a child, if only for a moment in time. I am grateful for the little things in life that make each day worth it.